मेरा कमरा meraa kamraa - My Room
आपका शब्दकोश aapkaa shabdkosh - Your Dictionary
उसका दरवाज़ा uskaa darvaazaa - His Door
Can you follow those examples? The Possessive Pronouns work in a very similar way to English ones! So are you ready to see the full list of Hindi Possessive Pronouns? अच्छा acchaa - great! Deep breathe in, here goes…
First Person Singular
मेरा meraa My
First Person Plural
हमारा hamaaraa Our
Second Person Singular
तेरा teraa Your (Very Informal)
Second Person Plural
आपका aapkaa Your (Formal)
तुम्हारा tumhaaraa Your (Informal)
Third Person Singular
इसका iskaa His / Her / Its (Near)
उसका uskaa His / Her / Its (Far)
Third Person Plural
इनका inkaa Their (Near) or His / Her (Formal)
उनका unkaa Their (Far) or His / Her (Formal)
The difference between इसका iskaa and उसका uskaa is exactly the same as the difference between यह yeh and वह voh Similarly the difference between इनका inkaa and उनका unkaa is the same as the difference between ये ye and वे ve!
उनका केला unkaa kelaa - Their Banana
तुम्हारा खाना गर्म है tumhaaraa khaanaa garm hai - Your food is hot
हमारा बग़ीचा बड़ा है hamaaraa bageecaa baraa hai - Our Garden is big