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©©©copyright icon
®®®registered trade mark sign
™™trade mark sign
@@@at symbol
¶¶paragraph sign
§§§section sign
℀ account of
℁ addressed to the subject
ℂℂdouble-struck capital C
℃ degree celsius
℄ centre line symbol
℅℅care of
℆ cada una
ℇ euler constant
℈ scruple
℉ degree fahrenheit
ℕℕdouble struck capital N
№№numero sign
℗℗sound recording copyright
℠ service mark
℡ telephone sign
Ω ohm sign
℧℧inverted ohm sign
K kelvin sign
⅍ aktieselskab
ⅎ turned small F
☀ black sun with rays
☁ cloud
☂ umbrella
☃ snowman
☄ comet
★★black star
☆ white star
☈ thunderstorm
☊ ascending node
☋★descending node
☌ conjunction
☎☎black telephone
☏ white telephone
☐ ballot box
☑ ballot box with check
☒ ballot box with X
☓ saltire
☖ white shogi piece
☗ black shogi piece
☘ shamrock
☙ reversed rotated floral heart
☚ black left pointing index
☛ black right pointing index
☜ white left pointing index
☝ white up pointing index
☞ white right pointing index
☟ white down pointing index
☠ skull and crossbones
☡ caution sign
☢ radioactive sign
☣ biohazard sign
☤ caduceus
☥ ankh
☮ peace symbol
☯ yin yang
☹ white frowning face
☻ white smiling face
☼ white sun with rays
☽ first quarter moon
☾ last quarter moon
☿ mercury
♀♀female sign
♁ earth
♂♂male sign
♔ white chess king
♕ white chess king
♖ white chess rook
♗ white chess bishop
♘ white chess knight
♙ white chess pawn
♚ black chess king
♛ black chess queen
♜ black chess rook
♝ black chess bishop
♞ black chess knight
♟ black chess pawn