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Shorcut of Microsoft Windows

 Shorcut of Microsoft Windows


use of key windows with the following key

shift = Screenshot

F1 = edge browser

F3 = Find

F5 = Time and Date

pageup/down = go through file up/down

shift arrow keys to change directions

Ctrl Shift Esc = Task manager

q = search

w = online information from left windows

e = file explorer

r = run

u = accessibility

i = system

p = project

1 = this pc / my computer

2 = microsoft edge browser

3 = microsoft store

4 = microsoft office 

5 = microsoft excel

6 = microsoft powerpoint

7 = microsoft publisher

8 = microsoft access

9 = snipping tool

0 = google chrome

= = magnifier

a = internet access

s = Search

d = minimize/maximize windows

f = feedback hub

g = Xbox

h= speark typing


l = logoff

; = imoji

z = View

x = windows manager?

c = Account

v = Clipboard 

b = Show Hidden icon

n = Calendar

m = minimize

. = emoji